Buy Hold Sell: Which stocks to own as rates rise (and 2 fundie favourites)

< 1 minute read time

This article/video was produced by Livewire Markets and published on 15 November 2021.

Just like Tesla’s share price or helium-filled balloons, sometimes things just rise. It’s inevitable.

Rates, on the other hand, have been on a downhill trajectory for a good 30 years. Now, it seems that they too may be on the way up.

In fact, the RBA recently dropped its reference to rates rising “not before 2024”, with economists around the country now forecasting that rates could get a hike far, far sooner (some have predicted that cash rates could rise in November 2022).

So in this thematic episode, Livewire’s Ally Selby is joined by Stuart Welch from Alphinity and Rhett Kessler from Pengana for their thoughts on the stocks you should be buying (and avoiding) in this environment.

Plus, they also name two stocks that can benefit from inflationary tailwinds over the months and years to come.

Note: This episode was filmed on Wednesday, 10 November 2021. 

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