
PRI in Person: Four important takeaways

Moana Nottage shares insights from the PRI Conference and outlines four important takeaways from physical climate risk and nature, to intergenerational equity and human rights.

15 November 2023

What is AMR and why is it important for Investors?

Moana Nottage joined Fidante’s ‘ESG in 10’ podcast to discuss her research into Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and the importance of integrating AMR as a factor into the investment and stewardship process.

14 November 2023

Podcast: Perspectives on Net Zero and A.I

Jessica Cairns, joined Escala Partners “Perspectives on Zero Podcast” with Investment Analyst, Darragh Kennelly to discuss recent progress from Australian companies transitioning to net zero and A.I. considerations for responsible investing.

29 September 2023

Reporting update – health and safety

This report outlines the issues surrounding Workforce Health and Safety (WHS) in ASX-listed companies, including the concerning rise in fatalities, the increasing emphasis on psychosocial safety, and vital recommendations for improving safety metrics and executive remuneration structures.

15 September 2023

Antimicrobial resistance: Relevance to investors

Regulators and investors are calling for action. Through an ESG lens, the healthcare and food sectors are key to mitigating this systemic risk. In this report, ESG & Sustainability Analyst Moana Nottage explores the ESG considerations related to AMR, emphasizing the significance of stewardship and company engagement in the healthcare and food sectors to address this risk

21 August 2023

Antimicrobial Resistance: An emerging ESG consideration

ESG & Sustainability Analyst, Moana Nottage, and Elfreda Jonker discuss antimicrobial resistance and why it is becoming an emerging ESG consideration.

17 August 2023

Our response to the Australian Government consultation on Responsible AI

Our response advocates for balanced AI regulation with a focus on governance and management structures to mitigate risks. Read more about our views in our response to ‘Safe and Responsible AI in Australia’.

26 July 2023

Navigating ESG in the apparel trade

Our first-hand experiences exploring apparel players in Bangladesh and Vietnam have revealed invaluable insights into the unique social challenges, empowering us to deepen our focus areas within our investments.

19 June 2023

The implications of AI across sectors against key ESG considerations

There are many benefits to artificial intelligence (AI) however, the development of AI technology can come with significant risks. We consider the threats and opportunities, and materiality of ESG considerations by sector.

15 May 2023