Juukan Gorge Destruction
Alphinity reflects on Rio Tinto in light of the destruction of the Juukan Gorge

Can Mining be Ethical?
While we are certain that some mining is probably unethical, is that the case for all, or can it be done in a way that is not?

Alphinity Sustainable Share Fund is extending its exclusions to cover all fossil fuels
Alphinity provide a detailed explanation of how they have to come to this decision.

Investing for good: Applying the UN SDGs to investing in Australian shares
The team discuss the evolution of Sustainable Investing and how the UN SDGs apply to Australian companies.

Webcast: May 2019
Stephane Andre discusses how Alphinity are using the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Alphinity Sustainable Share Fund’s approach to investing in mining companies.

The S in ESG by Professor David Kinley
David Kinley gives an outstanding exposition on the need for the financial services industry, funds management in particular, to prioritise social impact.

Human Rights & Modern Slavery by Nina Haysler
Nina Haysler presents at the Alphininty ESG event “The S in ESG.”

Sustainable investing – investing for the future
Alphinity discuss how sustainable investing takes the traditional ESG approach to investing one step further by also considering the impact a company has on society.

Webcast: August 2018
Bruce Smith talks about UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and their role in Alphinity’s Sustainable Share Fund.