It was BAD to be GOOD in 2023
During 2023, we faced an investing conundrum where ‘good news’ such as strong economic data ironically meant ‘bad news’ for equity markets due to the need for high cash rates; Elfreda Jonker provides a review of the year and discusses the outlook for Australian equities.

Global Webcast: Reflecting on 2023 and Outlook for 2024
Mary Manning and Elfreda Jonker reflect on the key highlights of 2023 and discuss the global outlook for 2024.

Australian Webcast: Reflecting on 2023 and Outlook for 2024
Johan Carlberg and Elfreda Jonker reflect on the market in 2023 and discuss the outlook for the Australian economy in 2024.

Assessing Responsible AI through an ESG lens
Explore our brochure, co-created with CSIRO, to discover the latest findings and insights on integrating AI-related risks and opportunities into investment practices that are shaping Australia’s Responsible AI ecosystem.

PRI in Person: Four important takeaways
Moana Nottage shares insights from the PRI Conference and outlines four important takeaways from physical climate risk and nature, to intergenerational equity and human rights.

Global Webcast: 3Q23 Global Results Season Highlights
Jonas Palmqvist and Elfreda Jonker reflect on the recent third quarter’s reporting season and discuss takeaways from the global equities market.

Australian Webcast: Australian Consumer Outlook and Top picks
Jacob Barnes and Elfreda Jonker reflect on the domestic consumer environment, Alphinity’s current positioning and the outlook for consumer behavior.

What is AMR and why is it important for Investors?
Moana Nottage joined Fidante’s ‘ESG in 10’ podcast to discuss her research into Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and the importance of integrating AMR as a factor into the investment and stewardship process.

Australian Webcast: Highlights from our recent trip to China
Johan Carlberg and Elfreda Jonker discuss Johan’s recent journey to China and the insights on economic growth in the post-COVID era, shedding light on China’s evolving role in the global economy.