Fund Overview

A diversified portfolio of Australian stocks listed on the ASX that have a net positive alignment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, exceed Alphinity’s minimum ESG criteria and offer attractive prospective returns. The strategy aims to provide consistently strong risk-adjusted returns across different market cycles by applying a disciplined and repeatable investment process to our sustainable universe.

Sustainable companies

An investable universe of companies that we believe have a net positive alignment with one or more of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) and exceed Alphinity’s minimum ESG criteria.


Exclusions from the investable universe, defined by the Fund Charter, for activities that we consider to be incongruent with the SDG’s.

Sustainable compliance committee

To assist with oversight and governance, including two external experts in ESG and Sustainability.

Active ownership and stewardship

We seek to engage with companies on ESG matters and also intend to vote all proxies put to shareholders.

Fund Characteristics
FundAlphinity Sustainable Share Fund
Investment objectiveTo outperform the benchmark after costs over rolling five year periods
BenchmarkS&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index
Stocks held in portfolio35-55 stocks
Minimum investment timeframeAt least five years
Minimum initial investment$10,000 or $1,000 with Regular Savings Plan
Management fee0.95% p.a.
Performance feeN/A
Distribution frequencyQuarterly
APIR codeHOW0121AU
Fund Performance
Alphinity Sustainable Share FundQuarter (%)1 year (%)3 years (% p.a.)5 years (% p.a.)7 years (% p.a.)10 years (% p.a.)Since inception (% p.a.)
Alphinity Sustainable Share Fund7.823.
S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index7.821.

Hot air balloons over a mountain landscape at golden hour.

How to invest

To find out more about the Alphinity Sustainable Share Fund, contact your local Fidante Business Development Manager.

For step by step instructions on how to invest, visit the Invest Online page of our website.

Before making a decision about whether to make an investment or additional investment in one of our funds please read the Fund’s Target Market Determination (TMD), Product Disclosure Statement (PDS), Additional Information Booklet and Product Updates to ensure the key attributed of the fund as described in the TMD and PDS aligns with your objectives, financial situation and needs.

Alphinity Sustainable Share Fund Team

Sustainable Compliance Committee

The Sustainable Compliance Committee includes co-Portfolio Managers of the Fund and independent sustainability experts, Elaine Prior and Melissa Stewart.

The Committee’s role is to rigorously review the investable universe to ensure compliance with the Fund’s Charter; adjudicate on ‘grey areas’; refine the Charter and filters as the SDGs evolve; help identify areas of company engagement; and review the external service providers used.